Friday, March 20, 2015

Handpicked from Heaven

I've imagined many times what I will feel when Ellie finally learns how to say her brother's name. Other than her giggles and laughs, that will be the sweetest sound. It's going to be such a beautiful moment that I'm going to be able to cherish forever. It will be such a blessed day when I can sit down with Ellie and we can talk about Hayes and how much he loves us and watches over us daily.

I look at her and know that Hayes had something to do with choosing her for us. I can see him with Jesus discussing who he wanted to send to us from Heaven. Hayes and Jesus hand-picked such a perfect little one for us to call our daughter. Sometimes it's hard to think about the fact that without Hayes going through what he went through, we wouldn't have our Ellie here with us. In a way, Hayes sacrificed his life, to bring Ellie to his parents. What and amazing brother she has in Heaven!

Ellie Marie with her best friend, Wrett, who also has a brother named Wyatt in Heaven.


  1. Debbie Jo Byrd HueyMarch 31, 2015 at 9:17 PM

    Ginny and Cody, something hit me that made me think there may be a blog about your baby Hayes and sure enough there is. Not knowing what all happened and the struggles you went through as a family, reading your story touched my heart. Baby sister is beautiful. Hayes Tough is awesome and yes, I can only imagine. Keep the faith. Debbie Jo

  2. I need to meet this precious angel
